Friday, September 9, 2011

[Re] SUP again.

This is a response post to France’s free post: SUP again. Since I was in English 2 EXP my sophomore year in school, I did not have a chance to take Mr. Sutherland’s class like most of my friends. They constantly tell me how great Sutherland’s class is, and how much I am missing out. They tell me stories of what happens in class and how fun of a teacher he is. Throughout the year, I constantly ask myself, “why did I not drop out of EXP and go into Sutherland’s class?”. I regretted my decision of not taking his class, because in EXP our assignments almost had no relevance to increasing our abilities as writers. Sure, the weekly vocabulary tests “improved” our vocabulary, but those words were stored in an extremely short termed memory. We barely wrote anything for class, and those essays did not occur often enough to significantly improve our writing ability. That was the main reason why I entered EXP 2. However, I believe Sutherland’s blogging method will improve my flow of writing, and I look forward into what is in store. His method of teaching English is extremely direct and we have a lot of freedom when it concerns the content of the the posts. All my friends told me that we do not do anything in Sutherland’s class during class time, which is extremely stress relieving but I would still prefer to do something. Blogging is the perfect way to keep my flow of writing going and I could not ask for a better teacher and class for my last year of high school.

1 comment:

  1. Mr. Sutherland's class is absolutely the best way to get better at writing! Having him sophomore year myself, and writing every week helped cure me of my two-year writer's block. Frickin' magic.
