Friday, September 9, 2011

[CE] The Many Conspiracy Theories of 9/11

This is the Youtube video about 9/11 skeptics arguing their views that the 9/11 was a hoax and was planned by the government.

Numerous groups of 9/11 skeptics are arguing that the al-Qaeda terrorist group were not completely independent in their attacks. They believe that the U.S. government may have intervened and planted demolition explosives to have a controlled demolition of the buildings. They speculate that the U.S. government planned the destruction of the World Trade Center buildings. They may have possibly collaborated with the al-Qaeda group and used them. Architects who are also active 9/11 skeptics cannot correlate an airplane impact on the buildings could create such a massive destruction of the massive buildings. Video clips also show that the buildings went down orderly and cleanly, as if they already had bombs planted in the building for demolition prior of the attacks. They appear to be timed precisely as the airplanes crashed into each respective building. Richard Gage who is an architect and engineer for the 9/11 truth believes that there are too many problems with the “fairy tale” that the public are being “fed”. Direct evidence is when a plane hit the World Trade Building number seven. The official reason for the collapse of World Trade Building number seven was fire. However, the building was demolished within 40 seconds which is extremely fast. They use this building as direct evidence that the government is trying to cover up something they are trying desperately to hide.

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