Wednesday, September 28, 2011

[CE] Activists hack into Syrian government sites

Although hackers are often prone to the negative response of the public, this anonymous group of tech savvy individuals openly expose their government’s actions. They let the public know what the government is capable of and of their recent activities. They even pulled out a map of how many deaths at protests were recorded on. They also give other viewers warnings and has hacked many government websites. One of the hackers say that hacking the government websites was actually really easy, and they have also planned another hack very soon. Videos that were revealed a famous activist singer with his throat slashed and a cartoonist who had his hands broken. The anonymous group also stated that the government monitors their online activity and have put up warnings about it. A Revolusec member stated that they want to educate the public and help the people of Syria.
It’s amazing that hackers typically receive negative feedback and yet they are capable of such justice. Without any profit or personal gain, they come as a group to attack the Syrian government online. Despite knowing they are monitored, they deliberately edit websites to educate the people of Syria about their online privacy. However, the group does not know who their own allies are, but they are still united as a whole. For a group of individuals who do not know each others’ faces or names to team up against a government must possess a large amount of motivation and determination. This is a true unification and justice.

1 comment:

  1. I've been getting quite interested myself in these hacker groups, recently. Other students have been posting about some recent "hacking news" as well...generally it seems like hacking is sort of coming out of the closet somewhat and we're hearing more and more stories; it's like the hackers are turning themselves into a movement and stepping into some limelight.

    And yeah, it's quite surprising some of the targets and tactics they've used...I would like to collect some info and write about this, myself...
