Wednesday, September 21, 2011

[Free] Average Day with a Hint of Military Language

    As my mission was slowly came to a close, I holster my silver pen into it’s rightful place. My mission was rather simple: decipher the foreign language, break high scores on my calculator, and to analyze a video about football. My fellow soldiers and I accomplished our mission with ease and we were released from the facility for the day. The day was hot; we were melting with all the Kevlar of cotton strapped to our bodies. The temperatures reached extremes; it was a scorching eighty five degrees.
As my comrades and I proceed to adventure off into the familiar streets of Alameda, we discuss our future arrangements. We finalize our decisions to deploy a deposit of our weaponry at James’ military storage. We strip of our dead weight baggage and rendezvous with Commander Raymond at McDonald’s via beach route. Without our Kevlar, we were prone to surprise attacks and guerrilla warfare. However, we survived the stampede of the armored vehicles and possible confrontations with potential hostiles.
With Commander Raymond and I leading our platoon of five men, we proceeded to breach the glass doors of the successful fast food business. We take refuge from the devastating nuclear radiation; licking rich vanilla ice cream and sipping from our large sweet teas. After capturing this point, we cross the barren parking lot. We complete the same procedures with Ross and Kohl’s, but instead of looting the building, we pick out potential clothing necessary for the next battle: senior banquet.

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