Wednesday, September 28, 2011

[RE] Kids These Days

This is a response post to Brenda's free post.
Ever take a look at the younger generation now and think to yourself, “I never had that when I was younger”?
Seriously, these kids are so spoiled. There are elementary school kids that have their own cell phones and iPods. Who would those kids call? The only person I would call at their age would be my parents. At their age, I could barely even remember my own address! The music industry is filled with profanity and inappropriate material. Do parents even care about ratings or what their children listen to? Mainstream music has involved sex, alcohol, and partying. What do kids know about these subjects? They shouldn’t even be aware of these things yet.
I also hear kids swearing here and there without a care in the world. When I was their age, swearing was taboo. Those words meant trouble - no, it defined trouble’s very meaning. However, I highly doubt these kids are even aware of what the words even mean, and how slang has completely changed the meanings of these words. Like the F word means to sexually assault, but these kids do not even understand the meaning of rape. How ignorant the next generation is becoming.
What happened to playing outside? What about playing with Legos, or stuffed animals? What happened to imagination? In the past decade, too many things have changed. We grew up with Legos, Barbie, and board games. They grew up with computer games, television, and Eminem. smh

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