Wednesday, October 19, 2011

[Free] personal update.

    I am currently in Mrs. Playsted’s fifth period current life class. We are currently going through the depression unit. There are three or four types of depression - the number of depression seems really irrelevant considering the seriousness of my problem. I fear that I may be mildly depressed for several weeks. In my free time, I try to trace the events in past several weeks to find the origin of my problem but my answer remains unknown. Friends and music have been a temporary escape from my depression but it does not provide any kind solution. I understand why depressed people resort to drugs to relieve themselves of their depression. It’s an escape but drugs will not fix the problem. I want to blame others for my depression but no one around me has recently changed. It’s me. Sometimes, I feel like no one will miss me if I just left or they will forget about me after a week. I feel insignificant at times and how small my value is compared to everyone else. Stress from college admission and school accumulates inside me and I feel like there’s no escape from this. I have only considered suicide once and I blogged about it in my last free post. I feel like no one will read this; or care about my problem. I’ll be called a coward by my friends but it is their way of cheering me up. It’ll work out. I’ll get over it. I’ll make sure it happens.

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