Wednesday, November 16, 2011

[re] senior quotes.

"Finding a senior quote for the yearbook at first seemed like an easy task." - Courtney Winterbauer.
    Searching for the perfect senior quote is quite a daunting task. Searched far, and wide yet there was nothing fitting. It felt dumb not to put any quote at all, putting a random quote, or a generic one. I wanted something original, something that I could call mine. Several days past and I was still at square one. I wanted something cool, something that I could call mine.
"Googling quotes on 'LIFE' and 'SUCCESS' or 'FUTURE,' 'HUMANITY' and 'SOCIETY' seemed easy yet the lists went on and on and on. On many levels each quote felt inspiring yet something was missing."
Like real talk. Googling things such as "inspirational" got me good results but none of them represented who I was. I did not want to quote anyone either like Ghandi or Abraham Lincoln but they have some really inspiring quotes.
   I yearned for something clever and original, yet I wanted to say "Yeah, that's me". I even looked through my music library to find lyrics that I liked. But lyrics can not be considered original because they are someone else's words. I looked through some poets and I remembered Robert Frost. He is the author of my favorite poem, the Road Not Taken. I decided to quote him but twist it a little to make it "original". I found it quite fitting. I found it clever and inspirational, and I liked its figurative meaning. It was perfect.

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